I don't know how many times I've heard fitness gurus use this phrase in talking to couch potatoes like myself. Of course they are talking about physics (something I don't understand and really don't care to understand). A body in motion stays in motion and a body in rest stays in rest. Its pretty simple.
As a former couch potato, I didn't understand what the big deal was. So what? I like rest. I don't mind moving from one couch to the other and then to the recliner. I'm moving positions aren't I? Guess not.
Well after getting back into the gym at the beginning of the year I can say that I'm starting to understand what all the hype was about. It is so much easier to stay moving (going to the gym, walking, running--which I don't do, lifting, etc.) when you first get going. and when you're carrying this kind of weight it is tough to get it moving. That's why I started easy at first. I've done the hit the gym hard for 7 days and never look back (until the ankle tweaks or the knee gives out). It never worked. So this time I decided to change it up. For the first few weeks I just went 2-3 times. No guilt about not going more than that. I was beginning to get the body in motion so that meant...baby steps. Baby steps...right Bob? Baby steps out the door. Baby steps into the gym. Baby steps on the rat wheel (treadmill). It was all about baby steps.
Then last week hit. For some reason the reason this big body liked the feeling of working out. I am feeling stronger (benched 140 today for the first time since....uh....college) and the elliptical is my new best friend. Actually, it's second to my trainer, J.R. Bonus. (sounds like a cool big-dude name, doesn't it?) JR is a former professional (FAKE) wrestler but still in pretty good shape for his age...which is like ancient. Anyway, suffice it to say that this body has gotten into motion really well. The knees are holding up, and while I know there will be setbacks, I'm sure that this body will stay in motion much more than stay at rest.
Thanks for all the support friends!
See ya on the field...
Nice one...... the strength of kilt.
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